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2024 HSOG Tinsel Trail Tree
2024 Silver Tea
2024 Huntsville Botanical Garden Scarecrow

2024 Huntsville Symphony Ball

2024 Debs

2024 Ball Committee
January 19th General Meeting rescheduled to Wednesday, January 24 at the Valley Hill Country Club, 10:30am! Very important to attend – we are voting on new members and need a quorum!
Young Artists Auditions

The Young Artists Auditions were held Sunday, January 7 in Roberts Hall of the UAH campus. The audience members had the pleasure of hearing four very talented young musicians perform and compete. Afterwards a lovely backstage reception organized by YAA cochair Bess Csar was held where contestants, audience members, families and teachers, Guild and Symphony representatives mingled and enjoyed homemade treats.
Above Photo left to right: Rosemary Latham (HSOG president), Joanna May-Rouse (HSOG chair of education, Betsy Cunha (YAA chair), third place winner Daniel Lewis (flute), contestant
Minseo Kim (flute), second place winner Jeffrey Duan (piano), first place winner Davis Brewster (trombone).

We thank the YAA committee members and HSOG officers who helped bring this event to fruition.
Photo left to right: Barbara Loflin, Ginger Loder, YAA co-chair Bess Csar, Martha Brouse, Joanna May-Rouse (chair of education), Louise Graffeo, Rosemary Latham (HSOG president, Ashley Wells, Betsy Cunha (YAA chair), Michelle Slaton, Rachel Dubois, Devonee Woods. (not pictured, Janye Cleary)
A Golden 60th
A Golden 60th
On the evening of October 28, 2023, the Saturn Ballroom of the VBC was all aglow, as thirty-five “radiant beams in the night,” made their debut before family and friends. In their “Golden Hour,” the Debutantes of 2023 shone like “angels of light.” The 60th Symphony Ball, which marked the culmination of an extraordinary Debutante season, was an illuminating celebration of beauty, grace, and youthful joy.
For arriving guests, the evening’s celebratory mood was quickened through the shimmery tones of Huntsville Symphony Orchestra harpist, Anna Dunlap, and the verve of an exquisite floral folly. An In Bloom (Mark Kimbrough and Ron Cooper) designed golden crowned peacock, gloriously preening as its feathers, laden in sunset-colored peonies and roses cascading down from its golden caged perch, pointed the way to have a ball. Once inside, guests were offered the Ball’s signature drink: a pink sugar rimmed, pomegranate martini, while enjoying classical selections performed by Members of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra. On each side of the dance floor, whose center featured a raspberry medallion commemorating the 60th Symphony Ball, were guest tables luxuriously draped in damasked green velvet and satin fabric. Rising tall from their center, a golden branched container lush in splendid florals, filling the air with fragrant perfume. Overhead, the twinkle of crystal chandeliers led the eye to the two-tier Presentation stage where the orchestra was centered. On each side, large, backlit, golden Chinoiserie-styled boxes, where Trumpeters would take their place to announce the Formal Presentation of the 2023 Debutantes.
Master of Ceremonies, Dr. Kenneth Rivenbark began the evening’s festivities with the introduction of 2023 Ball Chairman, Michele Lucas. Mrs. Lucas thanked her excellent committee, including Guild President Rosemary Latham, members of the Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors and the 2023 Symphony Ball Advisors including Mr. Philip Wind Bentley III, who provided the invocation.
From the helm of the golden boxes, the sound of the Trumpeters signaled the Presentation’s beginning, and the 2023 Ball’s Marshals and Escorts were introduced. Then, entering from opposite sides, the Debutante and Presenter met in the stage’s middle, before the orchestra, as Dr. Rivenbark introduced each lovely young lady to society. The Presentation Waltz, performed to Johann Strauss II’s “Artist’s Life,” followed with Debutantes and Presenters receiving joyous applause at its conclusion. As the Debutante and Escort prepared for their own dance, Dr. Rivenbark announced a very special surprise in the way of Mr. John Preston Watts, junior, who would serenade the 2023 Debutantes with Jvke’s hit, “Golden Hour,” arranged especially for the Ball by Huntsville Symphony Orchestra, General Manger, Curtis Lindsay. The dance floor awash in golden tones, the Debutantes with a “glorious look in their eyes,” indeed caused “time to slow down.” At the Presentation’s conclusion, the Trumpeters announced Dinner which featured Filet of Beef and Chicken Piccata, with Haricot Verts, Julienned Bell Pepper and Sweet Potato Layers with Gouda, as its Entrée. Afterwards, the Debutantes, family and friends danced into the wee hours of the night to the music of the Craig Duncan Orchestra.
The funds raised from the 60th Huntsville Symphony Ball will support the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra, whose mission is to serve the region with professional quality classical music performances, education, and outreach.
A lyre was chosen as the official symbol of the Ball, and each Debutante was presented with a gold lyre charm. Sixty years later, the tradition continues of presenting each debutante with a gold lyre charm to commemorate the Ball.
The Debutantes of 2023 brought tremendous joy to all those who attended the 60th Symphony Ball. It was their night to shine!

Top Row Left to Right: Emery Elizabeth Rexroad, Nancy Katherine Owens, Sophia Kathleen Wilson, Caroline Robertson Smith, Catherine Love Plott, Elizabeth Park Scholl. Bottom Row Left to Right: Madeline Kate Slinkard, Kristen Merrill Parker, Dollie Meredith Patricia Murray, Jane Hollaway Simpson, Chloe June Stepien, Abbie Elizabeth Rankin
The HSOG is the presenting sponsor of tonights HSO concert!

2023 Debutante Service Project
The Huntsville Symphony Ball Committee hosted the 2023 Symphony Ball Debutantes in a Service and Learning Day on Friday, May 19, in the Huntsville Museum of Art Maxwell Hall.
Debutantes had their photographs made as they entered Maxwell Hall, where they were greeted by Michele Lucas, 2023 Ball Chair; Samantha Thompson, Service Project Committee Chair; and Tricia Murray, 2024 Ball Chair.
Dan Holcomb, CEO of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra, gave a brief history of the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra. Following Dan’s remarks, the Debutantes began the first service project of the day, preparing coloring packages for pediatric patients at Huntsville Hospital. Joanna May-Rouse, whose late husband created the artwork for the service project coloring books, spoke about the history of the coloring books and the packaging designed especially for the hospital. The debutantes prepared 500 packages of coloring books and crayons, which the Guild Ball committee delivered to Huntsville Hospital. Fran Fluhler, founder of Manna House, generously donated the crayons for the project.As lunch was served, Fran gave an inspirational message entitled “Love Your Neighbor.” Accompanied by two music teachers, Sharon Hicks, Director of Education for the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra, instructed the Debutantes in cleaning and prepping 150 violins for the 3rd Grade Symphony Educational Program commencing in the fall. The Debutantes enjoyed their day of service to the community and fellowship with each other.